Guide to Jewish and Kosher Italy
Italy » Lazio » Rome » Ghetto Quarter
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What to do in Rome
From the Fiumicino FCO airport a driver to Rome will cost you approximately 50 euro, train tickets are approximately 8-16 euro per person.

For a comprehensive tour of Rome book the Jewish tour guides.

There is no Eruv in Rome.

Explore the former Jewish ghetto, Jewish Museum, Great Temple, Trastevere district, Jewish Catacombs, Roman Forum and the Arch of Titus. Visit the Gregorian Egyptian Museum part of the Vatican Museum and Ostia Antica.

History of Jewish Rome
For more than two thousand years Jews have lived in Rome, making it the oldest Jewish community in Europe. Traces of Jewish heritage are embedded throughout the city ranging from the ruins of Roman era synagogues, to ancient catacombs, to the grandiose turn of the century Great Synagogue on the banks of the Tiber.

The Jewish community in Rome dates back to 161 BCE when representatives sought help against Antiochus IV. Many Jews decided to move to Rome because it was a good trade center. After Titus destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the community expanded. Because they predate the division into Sephardic and Ashkenaz (those who went to Moorish Spain and those who went to northern or eastern Europe), the Roman Jews speak neither Landino nor Yiddish. They have their own language that is a mixture of Hebrew and Italian, and their own culture. Of course, when the Sephardic Jews were expelled from Spain by the Catholics in the fifteenth century or when Ashkenaz Jews had to flee their homes, some went to Rome.

In 1555 the Pope issued a decree that forced all Jews to live in a ghetto next to the Tiber River. Not only were Jews restricted to this area and excluded from most jobs. Every Shabbat they had to go to a nearby Catholic church to hear a priest preach conversion at them.

Only during the brief time that the citizens of Rome tried to set up a government separate from the Pope and when Napoleon conquered, were the Jews freed. When Italy was unified in 1870 the Ghetto was finally demolished.

Mussolini again enforced laws excluding Jews from schools and professions, but he did not carry out the genocide of German fascism. However, in 1943 the Germans occupied Italy. When the SS commander arrived in Rome, he told the rabbi that the community could be ransomed for 50 kilos of gold. The Jews frantically collected the gold from all their households and from Christian friends who would help. Two weeks after the 51 kilos were delivered, the SS began its raids, sending about 2091 of the 9,000 Jews in Rome to the death camps. Others hid in the ruins, in places like the Coliseum.

Now there are about 15,000 Jews, they are called Romanim, that’s because Jews trace their Roman roots back to the second century B.C.E., well before the larger Jewish Diaspora.

All Synagogues are Orthodox, which, like other local institutions, are funded by a voluntary tax on the city’s Jews. One thousand children attend the community’s school, which runs from kindergarten to 12th grade. There is also a small yeshiva, which serves to ordain Italian rabbis.

The Romanim keep their own traditions. Like Sephardim, at Passover, they eat not only matzah, but rice. And dating back to medieval days, they play musical instruments in the synagogue for such joyous events as weddings, although not on Shabbat or the High Holy Days.

Great Synagogue of Rome (Italian)
Lungotevere Cenci - Rome
+39.06.68400651-2 Send a message on Whatsapp
Open All services daily
Responsible: Security; Email:
Panzieri Fatucci - Tempio dei Giovani (Italian)
Piazza S. Bartolomeo all'Isola 21 - Rome
+39.06.68400651-2 Send a message on Whatsapp
Open Shabbos and Holidays
Spanish (Sephardi)
Via Catalana - Rome
+39.06.68400651-2 Send a message on Whatsapp
Open Daily Shacharit and Shabbat
Responsible: Rabbi Cesare Moscati;

Kosher Hotels
Black and White Suite
Via S. Maria del Pianto, 67 - Rome
Responsible: Umberto e Martina Di Veroli;
Lea Luxury Rooms
Via del Tempio, 4 - Rome
Neman Maison Expirience
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 9 - 00186 Rome
Responsible: Nofar Kashi;

Hotel Monte Cenci
Via Beatrice Cenci, 10 - 00186 Rome
Via del Tempio, 6 - Rome
Little Rhome Suites
Via Ripense, 4 - Rome

Jewish Tours
Gelato Class
Certification: Beth Din of Rome, Chalav Israel
Neman Collection Culinary (Kosher Cooking Classes)
Pizza Class
Certification: Beth Din of Rome, Chalav Israel
Responsible: Batsheva Walden;

Kosher Restaurants
BaGhetto (Israeli and Jewish Roman style Meat Restaurant)
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 57 - Rome
+39.06.68892868 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Responsible: Amit Dabush;
BaGhetto Milky (Dairy)
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 2 - Rome
+39.06.6830.0077 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel
Bellacarne (Grill)
via Portico d'Ottavia 53 - Rome
+39.06 683 3104 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din of Rome
Open Lunch and supper
Casalino (Roman Cuisine)
Via del Portico d’Ottavia, 1e - Rome
+39.3297376117 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din of Rome, Chalav Israel
Responsible: Mino Zarfati;
Fonzie (The Burger's House)
Via S. Maria del Pianto, 13 - Rome
+39.06 6889 2029 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Renato al Ghetto (Hostaria Kosher - Meat)
Viale del Portico d'Ottavia, 5/6 - 00186 Rome
+39.06 4754 5830 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Roma
SuGhetto (Grocery and Meat Restaurant)
Via del Portico d'Ottavia 1c - Rome
+39.06 6880 5605 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Open Breakfast, lunch and supper
Yotvata (Dairy Italian and Roman Restaurant)
Piazza Cenci 70 - Rome
+39.06.68134481 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel
Open Open all year round.
Telephone: +39.331 351 0979 Send a message on Whatsapp;

Kosher Eateries
BaGhetto Pastry Bistrot (Beth Din of Rome)
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 3 - Rome
+39.06 8530 3477 Send a message on Whatsapp
Bona Pizza (Pizza Shop)
Via del Portico d'Ottavia, 7 - 00186 Rome
+39.06 6880 5820 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel
Kosher Cakes (Pastry shop)
Piazza Costaguti 21 - Rome
Kosher Cakes
Via del Portico D'Ottavia 1a - Rome
+39.0664761135 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome
Responsible: Ariel Bahbout; Telephone: +39.3938598192 Send a message on Whatsapp;
Marlene's (Dairy ice cream)
Via Portico d’Ottavia 1/b - Rome
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel
Oriental Fonzie
Via di S. Maria del Pianto, 65 - Rome
+39.06 6832673 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome

Kosher Stores
Antico Forno del Ghetto (Bakery)
Piazza Costaguti, 31 - 00186 Rome
+39.06.68803012 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Pat Israel
Boccione (Pastry shop)
Via Portico d'Ottavia, 1 - Rome
+39.06.6878637 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel
Kosher Delight (Kosher Products)
Via Portico d'Ottavia, 11 - Rome
+39.06.68135002 Send a message on Whatsapp
Responsible: Avi Ouazzana;
Kosher Wines - Supergal (wines and dry products)
Piazza Cenci 65 - Rome
+39.348 6914239 Send a message on Whatsapp
Terracina (Meat Store)
Via Maria del Pianto, 62 - 00186 Rome
+39.06.68801364 Send a message on Whatsapp
Certification: Beth Din Rome

Judaica Stores
Via dei Falegnami, 22 - 00186 Rome
+39.3355292825 Send a message on Whatsapp
Kiryat Sefer (Book Shop)
Via del Tempio, 2 - Rome
+39.06.45596107 Send a message on Whatsapp
Museum Shop
Via Catalana - Rome

Jewish Attractions
Titus Arch
Via Sacra - Rome
Open 8:30 - 3:30 PM (winter) and 6 PM (summer)

Jewish Museums
Jewish Museum of Rome
Lungotevere Cenci 15 - Rome
+39.06.68400661 Send a message on Whatsapp

Mikva of the Great Synagogue of Rome (Women)
Lungotevere Cenci 9 - Rome
Certification: Chief Rabbi Di Segni (Community)
Responsible: Romina; Telephone:
+39.333.4618750 Send a message on Whatsapp; Email:

Jewish Schools
Jewish Community (Nursery through High School)
Via Portico d'Ottavia, 73 - Rome
+39.06.6833884 Send a message on Whatsapp

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